
NABCO Connect App Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice is concerned only with the data collected and processed where NABCO Entrances Inc. acts as the controller. 

NABCO Entrances Inc. is committed to protecting your personal data. This Privacy Notice describes how NABCO Entrances Inc. processes the personal data (your “Data”) that we receive from you in connection with your use of the App. This privacy notice describes: 
        •       The types of personal data we collect from you in connection with the NABCO CONNECT APP; 
        •       How we collect personal data from you; 
        •       How we use that information and why;
        •       Who we share data with and where; 
        •       How long we store data for; 
        •       How we can make changes to this notice. 

NABCO Entrances Inc. at S82W18717 Gemini Drive, Muskego, WI 53150, USA as “data controller” is responsible for the processing of your personal data in this Privacy Notice. 

What personal data will we collect?
We collect NO Data, which can be considered personal data according to applicable laws and regulations: 

How we obtain data: 
We obtain NO personal data from you.

Who we may disclose data to: 
We DO NOT disclose your personal data for the purposes set out above to:.

For how long will we store your personal data: 
We DO NOT store any of your data.